
Dr. Ram Kumar Verma

History Research Foundation

इतिहास शोध संस्थान

History is the systematic study & documentation of human activity.  History is an umbrella term comprising past events as well as the memory, discovery, collection, organization, presentation and interpretation of these events. Historians seek knowledge of the past using sources such as written documents, oral accounts, arts and materials artifacts and ecological markers. History is also an academic discipline which uses narrative to describe, examine, question and  analyses past events and investigate their patterns of cause and effect.

Senior Faculty (Dhyeya IAS Pvt Ltd)
M.A., NET, Ph. D., D.Litt
Website : www.drkhrf.com
mail : drkhrf@gmail.com, rk.dhyeyaIAS@gmail.com
Phone : +91875 687 7976
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/@RKHRF


History is a subject of social sciences. Thus it is very helpful to understand human being, its culture and behaviour.
The objective of this foundation is to explore knowledge of human culture  and to promote multi-disciplinary research. Its also our objective to provide a platform for the publication of new scholarly articles in the field of history.

We are trying to encourage new research scholars and post graduate students by publishing their papers so that they may learn and participate in Literary publication through a professional Internship. We invite scholarly and unpublished research articles, essays and interviews from all over the world.
We also provide guidance to civil services students in optional subject and general study. Various students have been selected in civil services under our guidance.

Research Degree

Ph. D. – Ancient History and archaeology Department, Lucknow University, Lucknow

D.Litt- Contribution of coins in the construction of yaudheya’s History

About Mentor

Dr. Ram Kumar Verma is an eminent historian and thinker. He is also a pillar in the field of deep research, study and writing. Many research papers of the author have been published in national and  International research journals. He has presented his research papers in national & International seminars. He has delivered his speech in various universities. He is also popular among civil services aspirants.

Publication in Journals


Research Paper

Dr Verma has various publications in various Journals. Name of research titles and name of Journals are given below

  • गुप्तकाल में शिक्षा एवं साहित्य- २०१८ (आई जे सी आर टी )
  • गुप्तकाल, स्वर्णकाल: एक भ्रामक कल्पना- २०१६ (विद्या विमर्श )
  • प्राचीन भारत में देवमूर्तन एवं उनमे धातु प्रयोग- २०१७ वाराणसी मैनेजमेंट रिव्यु
  • गुप्तकाल में चित्रकला एक सशक्त अभिव्यक्ति का माध्यम : एक खोज (२०१६) आन्वीक्षिकी
  • स्कंदगुप्त के उत्तरधिकारियो का क्रम निर्धारण : एकशोध- २०१८ (साई)
  • प्राचीन भारत में शिक्षा एवं साहित्य – २०१८ (साई)
  • गुप्तकाल में मृण्मूर्ति का विकास – एक खोज – २०१८ (साई)
  • प्राचीन भारत में मूर्तिकला, स्वरूप एवं उसका विकास – २०१७( रिसर्च हाईलाईट्स)
  • भारत में गणित-विज्ञानं एवं खगोल विद्या (शोध मीमांसा)

Paper presented in Seminar

Participation and Presentation in a National Seminar Held at Shia P.G. College, Lucknow, organized by UGC, in October 2008, on Co-ordination and confrontation: A Critical Study of Legislature and Judiciary in Indian Constitution.

Participation and Presentation in a National Seminar held at Vidyant Hindu P.G .College, University of Lucknow sponsored by ICHR on “Various Dimensions of Revolutionary Movements in U.P. (1857- 1947) in February,2009.

Participation in Research and Training Programme held at Department of Public Administrative in University of Lucknow on “Methodology & Project Formulation sponsored by ICSSR in October, 2008..

Participation and Presentation in a National Seminar organized by Ram Pratap Ranglal Institute of Management and Technology in September 2012 on Challenges in higher education’s in the era of L.P.G (Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization).

Participation in National Seminar on Good Governance organized by “Department of Public Administrative”, in University of Lucknow, Sponsored by UGC, held on Nov, 2016.

Participation and Presentation in a National Seminar Organized by UGC in April, 2013 in the auspices of Kalicharan P.G. College, University of Lucknow on “Buddhism: Indian Culture & Globalization.

Participation and Presentation in a National Seminar on “Good Governance”, organized by Department of Public Administration, University of Lucknow, a paper entitled “Good Governance: Concept & Application” Sponsored by UGC, held on December, 2019.

Participation & Presentation in National Seminar on “Challenges Before Indian Youth in 21” century: Youth &Politics Jointly organized by INP.G. College, University of Lucknow on February. 2019.

Participation & Presentation in National Seminar Organized by UGC. “Organized Retailing in India: Issue and Concern”, in March 2007, held at University of Lucknow..


Dr-Ram-Kumar-Madhy- Histroy-of-Early-Medieval-India
